Ultimate Tennis Showdown


What we did

For UTS4, the fourth edition of Ultimate Tennis Showdown, Gravity Media again rose to the challenge of providing live-streamed coverage of the world’s newest tennis league, using a highly creative broadcast setup radically different to that used for traditional tournaments.

What we used

A team of 30 technicians, engineers, cameramen and EVS operators handled everything from rigging AV equipment to creating fast-turnaround highlights in our ultra-efficient, highly portable mobile Production Pods. Specialist equipment included two RF cameras and eight PTZ robotics, feeding into three EVS XT3 servers, a Lawo mc²36 audio console and Sony MVS 6530 vision mixer.


A high-tech yet cost-effective integrated production solution delivered fast-moving coverage of 16 matches over the two day event, providing visual content for streaming on UTS Live and broadcast in over 100 countries across five continent.

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Post Production
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