CANON CJ20EX7.8B 4K Lens

Canon CJ20ex7.8B IASE S is a – 2/3-inch Portable ENG Zoom Lens for 4K Broadcast Cameras. This lens offers a 20x zoom ratio and focal length range from 7.8mm to 156mm. It is suited well to news and sport applications, as well as documentary and serial drama use, and its high resolution makes it a suitable partner for 4K camera bodies. It is also suitable for shoulder-mount camera work.

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Layla Cook
UK Broadcast Rental Manager

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CANON CJ20EX7.8B 4K Lens


  • This lens offers a 20x zoom ratio and focal length range from 7.8mm to 156mm. It is suited well to news and sport applications, as well as documentary and serial drama use. and its high resolution makes it a suitable partner for 4K camera bodies.
  • Careful lens positioning and precision assembly ensures quality 4K resolution from the centre to the periphery of the image, and the lens also includes a 2x extender which even when at full zoom will give sufficient resolution for 4K.
  • The compactness of the lens also makes it suitable for shoulder-mount camera work.
  • Suitable for 4K
  • Edge-to Edge Sharpness at all focal length
  • 2x Extender Built-in
CANON CJ20EX7.8B 4K Lens


Mount  B4
Image Coverage  9.6 x 5.4mm
Zoom Ratio  20x
Minimum Object Distance (from image plane)  0.80m (10mm with Macro)
Approx Size (WxHxL) 169.9 x 114.4 x 230.0mm
Approx Mass  2.18kg


Focal Length 7.8 – 156mm
Maximum Relative Aperture  1:1.8 at 7.8-108mm / 1:2.6 at 156mm
Angular Field of View  63.2° x 38.2° 3.5° x 2.0°
Object Dimensions at M.O.D.(Min Object Dist.)  91.7 x 51.6cm (at 7.8mm) / 4.8 x 2.7cm (at 156mm)


Focal Length  15.6 x 312mm
Maximum Relative Aperture  1:3.6 at 15.6-216mm 1:5.2 at 312mm
Angular Field of View  34.2° x 19.6° / 1.8° x 1.0°
Object Dimensions at M.O.D.(Min Object Dist.)  45.9 x 25.8cm (at 15.6mm) / 2.4 x 1.4cm (at 312mm)

CANON CJ20EX7.8B 4K Lens
