Post-production rentals booming

Post ProductionRemote Production
المَمْلَكة المُتَّحِدة

In March last year, we moved our UK post-production equipment rental business to a larger facility in Southwood, near Farnborough Airport, and ever since it has been flying.

The 15,000 square foot (1,400 square metre) facility specialises in providing non-linear editing and post-production services for the entertainment, sport, TV drama and feature film markets, complementing Gravity House, our high-end cutting room facility in London’s Soho.

The increased workshop space at Southwood site has been particularly useful during the pandemic, where we’ve been setting up Avid and EVS location solutions and connecting them to our new Remote Editing service. COVID-19 has seen a number of clients relocate their personnel from our city-based editing facilities to home office and other remote-working locations around the UK.

It’s a flexible service build around the user. Some prefer to edit remotely, connecting to the cutting rooms they’d previously been based in from a remote location; some prefer a hybrid solution partly based in Gravity House and part remotely; and others prefer a complete ‘virtual’ solution, where all work is performed offsite with no physical base connected via our two remote-working solutions: Gravity Media Virtual File Server (GMVFS) and Gravity Media Remote Video (GMRV). Connecting remotely, from home, to a workstation at the shoot location or studio set is also becoming a common option.

Gravity Media has always provided brilliant post-production facilities for film, drama, entertainment and sport – now they’re just available in more places: onsite, on location, at your home… anywhere. The service is open to all clients, too, whether you’re a Gravity House customer or not. To find out more, we’re just a phone call away or email