Gravity Media Simplifies Live Review for AFL Matches

Production Centre

Here at Gravity Media, we recently expanded our operations for the Australian Football League (AFL) with the launch of a new state-of-the-art AFL Review Centre (ARC) to centralise operations for real-time match reviews for more accurate and streamlined scoring.

Gravity Media was commissioned by Jam TV as the project’s systems integrator to manage all video and audio broadcast equipment for viewing match plays, making accurate calls on scoring and communicating with personnel at games from a single remote location.

To unify the look of ARC video feeds via resolution, frame rate and format conversions and dynamic region of interest scaling (allowing the extraction of a portion of the original image to be scaled up for a closer view), AJA’s OG-ROI-HDMI openGear Converters were critical to operations.

You can now read the full AJA Video Systems article here and the Content + Technology article here.

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