The first episode of ITV’s new four-part drama Cheat aired last night on ITV 1. Starring Katherine Kelly (Happy Valley, The Night Manager) and BAFTA-winner Molly Windsor (Three Girls), this gripping new psychological thriller centres on the relationship between university professor Leah and her student Rose – a seemingly open-and-shut case of academic deception that quickly spirals out of control…
HyperActive is delighted to have hosted Cheat’s post-production team for 22 weeks last year at our cutting rooms on Frith Street. Led by supervisor Jules Jackson, whose previous credits include Tin Star, Humans and Gunpowder, the Cheat team took four rooms at Frith Street, complete with full Avid Media Composer suites and a centralised storage solution.
The next three episodes of Cheat air at 9pm each night this week until Thursday. Don’t miss it.