As a complement to Gravity Media’s 12 outside broadcast trucks in Australia, we have a dedicated Digital Satellite News Gathering (DSNG) fleet that comprises 10 satellite uplink vehicles and three satellite flyaway uplinks – the largest fleet of its kind in Australasia. Just as comfortable operating in remote locations as in major cities, these versatile and robust units have enhanced uplink capabilities and ensured resilience/duplication of critical equipment and power, meaning they can go anywhere you need them to be and will never fail to deliver.
With a reputation for expert systems integration and reliability, the Gravity Media team also works with truck manufacturers and suppliers to design and build bespoke DSNG vehicles for our clients, each with enhanced features and built-in resilience. All vehicles we commission are fitted with state-of-the-art equipment, and we oversee every stage of the project, from planning through to installation.
Gravity Media’s reputation in the DSNG market has been built over three decades, with our fleet and personnel routinely used in major global transmissions, such as top-tier sport (Grand Slam tennis, Asia Cup Football, Olympic swimming trials and horse racing), reality TV and business TV (product launches, awards hook-ups, etc).